This microlot Bourbon, grown in the Highlands of the Kayanza region of Burundi, bursts upfront with the redcurrant flavours attributed to African coffees grown in highly volcanic soil. Its juicy, sparkling malic acidity lingers after each sip, while a light and fresh sweetness balances the cup.
Origin: Burundi, Kayanza
Washing Station: Masha
Variety: Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1,670 masl
Roast Depth: Light - Medium
Body: Light, refreshing
Acidity: High, Sparkling, Malic
Sweetness: Fresh
Finish: Lingering acidity
Flavour notes: Redcurrant, Green Apple, Barker's Chocolate
Recommended use:
Filter, Aeropress, plunger
For juicy and bright acidity, try our v60 recipe
For a thicker body and deeper chocolate notes, give the AeroPress recipe a go!